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Your help ist the best medicine

Our association HEALTH FOR ALL UGANDA e.V. needs your energetic support on site in Bwindi, but also sponsors and your donations. We are pleased about the visit of our site and that you would like to participate in our project.

Find out more about us on the following pages.


With its 35 million inhabitants, the East African Republic of Uganda is densely populated and at the same time one of the poorest countries in the world. There are 8 physicians per 100,000 inhabitants in the country, with the main focus being on medical care in Kampala, the capital.

Uganda still has a high infant mortality rate of about 14%.

Just over half of people have access to drinking water and only about 40% to sanitation.

Medical care in the rural area is still a challenge.

Despite all the problems, Uganda is itself the target of many refugees from South Sudan, Congo and Rwanda.

You can support our association Health For All Uganda e.V. with donations and active help on site.


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Health For All Uganda e.V

IBAN: DE33 5139 0000 0060 6205 04
Volksbank Mittelhessen

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